TBA Services Company, Inc., known as TBASCO, is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Texas Bankers Association. Organized in 1987, TBASCO’s mission is to link TBA member banks with providers of high-quality products and services that support day-to-day bank operations.

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TBA’s endorsement program which is managed by TBASCO staff and the TBASCO Board of Directors. The TBASCO Board directs staff to pursue endorsements of services and products it identifies as essential and timely for our bank members.
The TBASCO Board of Directors is comprised of 10 Texas bankers and the TBA President & CEO. TBASCO’s reputation for integrity and thorough due diligence means that Texas banks can trust and value the products and services deemed worthy to be awarded the title, “TBA Endorsed.”
The endorsement process typically takes between 3-7 months and involves:
- Board identification of service or product
- RFP process which includes all TBA associate members* offering the identified service or product and may also include non-associate members within the same industry
- Staff review of RFP responses and vetting qualified providers (corporate management/structure; financial strength; bank servicing; compliance with industry standards; security and safety; ability to service TBA member base regardless of asset size or geographic location, etc.)
- Staff identifies top candidates based upon qualifications and reports due diligence to the TBASCO Board which makes all decisions relating to endorsement of services.