Membership Requirements

2.02. Eligibility for Membership

The membership in the Association principally covers the States of Texas, Arkansas, Colorado, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Missouri, and New Mexico. To be eligible for membership in this Association; and to continue to hold membership herein, a person must be a licensed attorney in good standing in the state of that person’s license and must regularly either:

(a) represent, advise, or counsel a bank, financial institution, a related holding company or service company, or an association of banks or financial institutions, or

(b) practice with a regulatory agency which has jurisdiction over any of the entities described in subsection (a) above,

and must manifest a genuine interest in, or sympathy with, the purposes of the Association as expressed in the Articles of Incorporation. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Board of Directors may approve for membership from time to time on an individual basis any other person whose participation in the Association would be consistent with the purpose and best interests of the Association.

2.02A. Retired Members Continuing Membership

A person who has previously met the requirements for membership stated in Section 2.02 of these Bylaws and who is an emeritus member of that person’s respective state bar association; or the equivalent status in the bar of the state or nation in which such person is licensed to practice law; shall continue to be eligible for admission to membership in this Association.

Membership for Student Editors, Managing Editors, and Editorial Board Members of The Texas Bank Lawyer or American Bank Lawyer.

A persons that has served as Student Editor, Managing Editors, and Editorial Board Member of The Texas Bank Lawyer or American Bank Lawyer within the preceding two (2) calendar years and that is a law school graduate shall be granted membership in the Association, without the payment of fees, for the period commencing June 30 of the calendar year in which they graduate or the date of their graduation from law school, whichever is later, until December 31 of the next following year.